Recent news reports and articlesspotlighting Dr Campbell’s research Dr Campbell is widely recognized as an international expert on religion and the internet. Her research and insights have been quoted in over 100 newspapers and media outlets including the BBC World Service, ABC Radio News-Australia, PBS’s Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Los Angels Times, Houston Chronicle, and The Wall Street Journal. She is available upon request for interviews and news commentary. Below are a selection of recent articles Dr Campbell has been quoted in.
The New York Times
Catholic News Service
Wall Street Journal
Religion & Politics Online Magazine
Dr Campbell's Popular Writings on Religion and Technology Include...
Exploring the Pandemic's Impact on Congregations (EPIC) Website
The Conversation
Christianity Today
Leading Ideas-Lewis Center for Faith Leadershio
Contending Modernities
Bearings Magazine-BTS Center
The Conversation
The New Scientist